A.P.O. 429 New York, N. Y.
November 27 1943
To: Superintendant of Flight Operations
From: Division Superintendant - Route 81
Subject: Project-7-A. With the conclusion of project 7-A, the time arrives for summeriz-
ing the various phases of this operation, and making all records available
to the various departments that will have need for such information. As usual, Station Manager Joe Whitford has come through with a very
complete set of records which will constitute the principal part of this report.
in addition, however, it is thought that the historical value of
the project is worthy of recording and that credit to those participating
should be placed where all may read. This letter is not intended to be a history of Project 7-A, but
rather to accompany and introduce a complete file of records and other
letters which will serve as a fairly complete source of information
for those who will want information about this important chapter in
American Airlines A. T. C. activity.
It is hoped that all Offices of the Company will have an op-
portunity to digest the data attached and in doing so will come to a
realization that the personnel who did their part in making the project
a success, did far more than just earn their pay and per deim. It is hoped that all will realize that those who actually did the
work, did so at times, under conditions that would have warrented
hospitalization because of dysentry, cancellation of all operations because
or lack of instruments and etc., cancellation of operations because of fields
were flooded, and weather over the "hump" was instruments with no
navigational facilities available. In fact had it not been for out-
standing "G U T S" on the part of our men, The whole project could well
have died aborning. The facts should be further made known to all company personnel
since it has appeared to be a company policy to 'soft pedel" foreign
operations for fear those at home will resent any emphasis on foreign
services. I believe that those at home are entitled to take full credit credit for
the fine work they are doing, but I still believe that the crews on 7-A.
from Harry Charlton's crew and Captain Hunt, on through the list
can be given recognition that all American Airlines personnel will be
glad to applaud. As a part of this record, I have tried to write letters about
individuals to show appreciation of their efforts. Those letters should
become part of the personnel file of each one.
No.2 ( next )